Monday, February 15, 2010

What is YOUR Random Act of Kindness today?

DID YOU KNOW? Today was the start of RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK. What will YOU do to spread kindness in YOUR world?

  • Pay for the dry cleaning for the car behind you in the drive-thru?

  • Whisper to the cashier that you wish to pay for the few items the young mother behind you in the grocery line is holding while jostling her hungry toddler?

  • Rake leaves for a busy neighbor while they are at work?

  • Be the relief watch for someone caring for a bed-ridden family member?

  • Cook a meal for an elderly neighbor?

  • Leave a bag of groceries on the doorstep of a single parent working hard to raise a family?

  • Leave a gift card for groceries in the mailbox of someone whom you know has recently lost their job?

  • Simply opening a door for someone who's arms are full of packages?

Kindness doesn't always cost money! The entire goal of this week is to advance kindness to another human being without the need for recognition. I challenge you to do something for someone else beginning now. I would LOVE to hear about your random acts and I plan to post them on Facebook (without name recognition, of course) I will be posting these as I receive them. Simply send me an email message through Facebook that reads "I know someone who..."

I promise that this will be much more contagious than any Swine Flu epidemic once it is started! It is like dispatching your own personal angels into the world!! Don't forget to email me!